9AM - 5PM 7 Days a Week 928-537-7118
Pure Relaxation
Pure Relaxation's Customized Facial
Harness the power to make your skin shine.
World-Class Service
You can travel the world from Bangkok to Zimbabwe from the age of 2 to 92 and never find anything approaching the level of service we provide as a matter of course.
Reacquaint yourself with an old friend or discover a new favorite with our array of featured services administered by our expert (licensed & bonded) staff.
Deep Tissue Massage
How deep is our massage? As deep as your tissues can take.
Hot Stone Massage
We heat our hand-mined onyx stones to 420 degrees.
Cutting-Edge Treatment
We don't restrict you to the classics. Under our roof, Swedish massage cohabitates quite comfortably with everything from reiki energy work to chakra balancing.